The day I thought would be a breeze since I had 2 hours free (lunch with third period) . I even bought a new puzzle book to help me ease the time away thinking I'd let them have the period to themselves since the deadly combo a sub dreads the most has arrived once again-Friday, math class and weekend followed by a holiday. But looking at the lesson plan and the work to be done I had to havea regular class in order for something to be handed in today.
First period was okay only an hour with a few nonworkerrs I berated. Second period was okay with talking and a few singers and wanderors who were berated also. Fourth period was the killer they were bunch of lazy hoodlums with some nasty language, lazy work habits, and a wandering lust that had me telling them to sit don for one hour after that I gave up.
I know I said I would never do another class in the new bldg but with FCATs and Spring break it demanded I had to.
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