best pals

best pals
Peg n Jen

Friday, April 1, 2011

Two days of partly yuke!

Thurdsay started out great. The first period who had a test were quiet as mice and did their work. But the second period was another batch of hooligans who would not sit and take and their test. I had to call for help and then that only lasted for 10 minutes and then back to normal. The remedial math class of course. The third period had worksheets and they were okay but loud. The last period was as  great as thr first but due to storms kept us their for another 30 minutes and the kids and I were both restless and screaming. It also made for bad vibes bewteeen my parents and I because it made things worse on the way home in a bad downpour. The next day was a repeat with the same kids except no last period. Thank God for that.Monday I am taking off to recoup and Thurday is off becasue our dog will be needing to go to vet for surgery. Friday is Record Day and no school for students. So Tuesday and Wednesday will be working days for me.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday Surpise

Weel I woke up okay but with a raspy throat. It's not cold but I think it's laryngitis I think. It's very dry.
To my surprise I was back in Ms. B room but with one difference . Due to CELLA testing I didn't have any classes the first two periods. I did have classes for periods three and four though. I would have enjoyed it more if it wasn't for this bothersome throat stuff. Not taking anymore changes with it and am taking zicam until Tuesday night.  Then kids were okay it seemed long in time though. I also thought out thr rest off the year. I am only going to take new bldg assigment for three more days (one every month) and finish the school year off in 14 days (2 days/week).

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Well yesterday was worse than expected. The first period were smart alecs who told me me she lets us do the assignment as homerwok and just talked all period so I only got one turned in assignment and reported it to the teacher. Then second period were my angels there was only minor working chatter and everyone handed in the assignment. I had third period off and went ouside to wam up because I was feeling a litle chilled and a little feverish. The the hooligans came in and were loud and talkative the whole period while only 1/3-1/2 the class did the assignment. They were also reporteed on the form.
I was so tired last night I went to bed a 10PM. I am hoping it's not a recuuemnce of my cold since my throat was scratchy this morning. I am hoping I'm just a bit run down with all these extra home duties I acquired these past few months plus not eating healthy since trying to lose weight and on a diet.
Next week I picked up three days all in the new bldg- reading and math, again I know. I'm a sucker for punishsment.But I go where the money is. It's only two weesk from the end of the third making period. After that time flies and the school will be done once again until August. But with luck maybe I'll have my aide job at the corner by then.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Science where have you been

This is my first science class that I had in a long time. The trouble with it was last period period class rowdies of sophs that were last years bad freshman. They got into all kind of trouble. I tried something different with the assignment to. Not give the second assignment until everyone finished and handed in the first.Then judging on their behavior tell them the second (dvd). Unfortnuately some didn't hand it in until the very end and not everyone did it. So I withheld the dvd as well as not tell them. They aslo were misbehaving all through class with mp3 players, throwing things, and touching things they aren't suppose to. All were written down. I also realized that next year if the new fresh are bad  the seniors will be the only good classmen to sub for. Phoew! Friday my next day will be in-you got it in the new bldg and for Math but I'll have third period off with lunch. I'll have 2 hours off to relax and wait for that lousy last nothing period I expect will occur with the deadly trio of events we know all to well and loath as subs.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

FRiday Rreprieve

Well I thought I was going to have first block off at least since I was back in the new bldg but I never got the phone call to tell me so I had to rush to get ready and get my ride up but once there I was rewadred witha change in assignment. Instead I was going to sub for  history in the main bldg. The trouble with that room is three fold-the kids fool with the automatic door, it's freezing inside (later in third period my legs were starting to get stiff), and he always gets sick so I sprayed Lysol twice during breaks to counter the germs. At lunch I sat outside to warm up and walked  all around the room last period so I wouldn't get cold. The kids were good and the assigments was done. It was cookie day ans we hada special motivation speaker that made classes kind os small in number for ahile  but everything still went smooth.

THursday was hell day

I was wondering why so many teachers called in this past week even after Spring break. It was registration week and the kids are more focused on registration than classes since it has to be all done by Thursday. So they know no work will be done on time. But what made it worse is that the teacher I had a plan with alot of work to be done in a very short 55 muntes in a test atomsphere but what she didn't count on was a visit from the counselor for 15 minutes that made it impossible for any work to get done that first period. The he told me he as coming for  3rd and 4th period and never showed and he disrupted periods that way. Thes econd period even thoug they were loud and untestlike were very pructive becasue he wasn't scheduled to come in then. THat third block thank God I had the sense to tell the kids to work on their assignments til he came in, becasue he never shoed. Later I found out he became very sick. BUt noone ever inforemd us so we were lost, even after we called to see the hold up. Thye never returbned our call. But that lst period was anothr lose because those were the kids that were coun ting on him and hal;f the class didn't do any work. I hate it. Because that is prime goal every day at least. To get the kids to complete thir assignment for the day. I even informed outr new assistant principal about it. To make it absolute hell I as in the new bldg with freshman once again.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

New plans for Spring for Future Assignments

I have decided with my parents health declining now and more work from me to maintain the grounds that I will only work two days a week. This helps my stress to since I can pick the assignments I want and don't have to sub for lousy classes just to work to finish this school year off. Then hopefully I will get the teachers aid job at the corner til they pass away. Then  either move back home for full time subbing at a good high school or here at better high school.

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Day Spring Break Starts

The day I thought would be a breeze since I had 2 hours free (lunch with third period) . I even bought a new puzzle book to help me ease the time away thinking I'd let them have the period to themselves since the deadly combo a sub dreads the most has arrived once again-Friday, math class and weekend followed by a holiday. But looking at the lesson plan and the work to be done I had to havea  regular class in order for something to be handed in today.
First period was okay only an hour with a few nonworkerrs I berated. Second period was okay with talking and a few singers and wanderors who were berated also. Fourth period was the killer they were  bunch of lazy hoodlums with some nasty language, lazy work habits, and a wandering lust that had me telling them to sit don for one hour after that I gave up.
I know I said I would never do another class in the new bldg but with FCATs and Spring break it demanded I had to.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

An underestimated assignment

I took  an ESE assignment because I neeed to pay for gas this month. I was dreading it thinking they were going to be a handful. Surprisingy  they were not thanks to having last period off and that the third period was mostly taken over my the community teachers taking up 2/3 of the third period and the rest of day was videos. The only trouble came from second period where the boys were breaking colored pencils in assignment time instead of doing more constructive work. For once lick was my side also becasue this last class was the slower class and there was also an aide there to help with them.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What a bleepy day!

Yesterday was so bad I had to decompress for awhile before I even got on the computer. Instead I watched some tv so I could relax and unwind. What a day of contrast it was- from having first period off, to the perfect angels in second period followed by two periods of ruffians with bad language and practically no work getting done. Good thing there was the restroom restrictions still on or they would have all deserted me. As it was the kids who I picked to take the attendance down took longer breaks than expected and the kids were acting up becasue of that to. So with that I decided no more new bldg assignments for the rest of the year dspite their small number of students that they have. I almost expetced to have a bruxism attack during the night but I didn't. Prasie the lord and pass the ammunition.LOL!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Friday Once Again

Well first the students. The honor classes were worst in behavior than the regular sophomore classes.
And three workbooks went missing at end of the 5th and 7th periods. Then the threats were still looming and gossip still. One girl was called out of my class and came back crying and then left. To top it off the princ came on saying everything was a rumour before and after classes . Then we said something to the effect that the threats were true. Plus there was abductions going on the nieghborhood of the school as well. The last period was a real slow one. I couldn't wait to go home.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ugh Awful

These sophomores were terrible, noone understood the rule of no talking rule in FCAT practice testing. They all grecieved bad revies including the juniors in that third period favor I had today. Tommorow is dedintelya do nothing day; which goes into affect once I give them assignment. Thye coild tlak their fool head off. I am beat and tired of yelling at kids this week. Our school made facebook as a bad Valentine threat hovers over MOnday. I am defimneyly not going in ion MOnday. The dabger is not $75 worth. The other days are filled with appointmets and Monday is a holiday. So I won't be going in again til the 22nd. A needed respite I do deserve I think. I'll let you know the day goies tommorow.Caio.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day One

Well it wasa surorisong diffent aspect of tht room. Last time noone was interested in the movie. But today they had a writting assignment anda quiz for the first two periods. It was quiet and solitude in that room for a change. Then it was the last period with the lower class students but after 10 minutes they were like the juniors. But then -dah da dun ta dah! -a favor was asked of me to sit in for another english teacher tommorow in my period. BUt the silver lining is that I'll same the same assignment for all 4 period. Quietude will rain and stress will not dare enter that room. I think it was good beasue I inforced FCAT standards fof the writting period of 45 minutes. Maybe i'll do that for the other teachers class as well.Which leads me into Friday. I decided it's going to be another do it if you want day but not inforced just let it happen.I'll let you now how tommorow goes with all 4 in FCAT mode.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

ANother Multiday assignment

Well today was wonderfully surprising. The classes were all quiet and small in number although they only did half the work they were suppose to. And I picked up another 3 day assignemnt for the next three days. Tommorow  Wednedday is a short day. Thursday I have a period off. But again Friday is the killer with all four periods. I'll let you know how it goes each day. Tata!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Tommorow with the Frosh

My mother who drives me to and back frio wiork noticed that when I work in the new bldg with the frosh it takes longer for me to get to the car. Sometimes I am on the far end and upstairs and have to walk down the hall, ride down the elevator, then around the bldg to the main office bldg and down the hall to where I drop off my review. Then out the main doors and down the parking lot to where she parks. It's another reason making the assigemnt there a little less comfortable. Good thing is that I have first period off and then an A lunch. So I'll let you know how it goes. 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday was fun day for all

As I said I let them talk and they were fine. Today it was junior and sophomore though. They were a little loud but iothing to yell it. Some did the assignment in full, other did part of it and still others just talked all period. Me, I finished reading a book and did puzzzles. I also ate lunch before my assigned lunch time because I felt a little headache. I even helped them with their worksheet assignment a little .Funny thing one student was reported moved to Bufflao. It's  usually the other way around people leaving Buffalo. Not to mention that it's my hometown. It was pretty good for a Friday. The last period didn't lag behind like it usually does either. So a good day all in all.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Good Thursday maybe Bad Friday

Well I was pleasantly surprised today when I found out that I had junior and seniors all day. Then again when it was a quiz and worksheet assignment. That was after I wondered all over campus to finally realize that the classroom I was looking for was only two doors way from the enterance and main office.LOL!!! Duh!! I have only been working there 12 years and I still have to wander around to find some classrooms. Even the last period which I thought I was going to be slow was a little faster going. But I still dread tommorow. I decided just to loet them tlak their little hearts off all day.while they do their worksheet. I'll let you know how it went as usual.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Three days and half the month to go

Last night I got a request to go for an art teacher. I thought it was really good for three reasons-it's a half day at Wednesday, I thoguht she had last period off and I was home early. But unfortenutely she was not off last period though I still able to go home pretty early. I also got a two day assignment I  am dreading and so are my folks. They are really sick and wanted me to stay home, but since I found out I made less this year (=13 days worth) than the year before and my folks are getting older I can't afford to stay home if I want to have money to keep me goimng after they are gone. It's for a math class in a real small classroom. The only good thing it's not in the new bldg but it's still with freshman. The good news is Thursday I'll have second period off and a c lunch to break up the third period. Friday I will dread because it has no free period and just the c lunch.I'll let you know how it goes later.

Monday, January 31, 2011


I slept in a half hour later and it made me late for class. When I got there thank God there was a coteacher or aid already doing the bell work with the class. It was a mixed class also. The first two periods were quiet and quick. Lunch was short but sweet. But the third period was loud and sluggish with the students. The coteacher/aide got on their heels and they finally got to work. The last period was a blessing in disguise since we had to split in different rooms after the bellwork because the distractions were to great to fight. SO I only had SIX students to watch. PHEOW!
The schedule screw up is partly the secs and partly my fault. Hers for giivng me a "old" one to that had no first period on it. Mine for not waiting for her phone call to tell me it's a later day.
The only reason I went in today was to pay for gas money for the five other days I worked this month.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Coolness and Danger

Oky first there ws no lesson plan as  promised on her desk but yet it was in the board but her coteacher was late. So the first period block didn't get to finish the total assignment. The coolness was I didn't do anything today for that period except take the attendance.
In second, third and forth periods we did all of it. The danger was the second assignement that took place in the media room. So we had to walk there from the new building (all the way at the other end of the complex) and with my cold just getting better it was not cool with me becasue it was only 60 degrees (high). I made 7 trips back and forth . Cool for diet but not my cold as I said before. But agai nall I did was take the attendance and interjected maybe twice on the first assignment which was a test and twice again  on the third assignment on writing a business letter. And I had four periods. So again it's a half and half day.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Time Lag

Hi well alot has happened during and after Xmas vacation. First my aunt came to visit and another aunt passed away suddenly. Then I ran alot of errands and then caught a cold. So tommorow will be the first day back to , guess where, you're dead on: the freshmen and I also picked up another day with men un Feburaury. It's okay though I have no problems with my teeth or mouth yet. Cross your fingers that it stays that way.I'll let you know how it goes. Also I stared a diet and have lost 8 lbs already. Only 22 more to go. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Two More days at Friday Assignment

Well Moday was long and a 50/50 day. The two honors classes were okay to good behaving students during video and sssignment time but the regular sophomores were acting loud and misbehaving especially the last period . I left a note saying so and reccomeneded a pop quiz. I wonder if any teacher has taken my reccomendation and actullay done so. This wasn't the first time I left a message like that. One of these days ; in fact next time I am going to ask if they did follow my suggestion. They aslo left the room messy and I had to do a quick clean up so the janotor can cut a break from there.
Tuesday was shorter but a little more harder because the kids were all sophomores and again the last period didn't watch the movie or do their assignment and I suggeted the quiz for the next day for them too. They were not messy though but very loud.
I enjoyed the movie and am in fact am adding it to my want list at my dvd exchange club. Although the VCR player was tempermanetal today. It kept cutting out between classes and took me 10 minutes each time to finally get it going.

Friday, January 7, 2011


Well the first day was great especillay because the classes were smalll and I had last period off. Also because of all the happiness I spread around after Xmas by bringing in the left over calorie ladden candy from Xmas since I am am on a diet. The office enjoyed the peppermint bark and the kids enjoyed the free candy. The scary part was going to work in a quick torrential rainstorm that just lasted as long as my ride to work.
The second day I was reasigned to a different teacher because she called in and noone called in for her so they shuffled me to her room for the day instead. which was good for two reasons I had a two hour break with third period off and lunch; and then half the period were a movie assignment.
So it was a great two day assignment.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Assigments coming already

I have a two day assigment in PE Thursday and Friday that will cover the price of a dvd set I bought after Xmas; only because it was to high in price before the holiday. SO I planned to buy it after with pay. I will working to buy a few essential items this last half of the year-toner for computer, more dvd sets, and an IPAD.Plus a few regular items like TV Guide, Netflix, and gasoline.Nothing great right, sorry. I am sure things will get better!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

ch 10 Lesson Plan and Happy New Year!!!

L.O: SC912L16.10
Chapter10: Gene Technology
Videos: STO Space Seed on gene supermen.
           STE Similitude on cloning
           STNG Up the Long Ladder on cloning and genetic drift.
           STNG Emergence on quality of progeny.
           STNG Bloodlines on gene resequencing.
 T.R: “Lunch…fly.” From “In Search of Far Side” on pitfalls of gene Technology. The question is: What techniques  had this pitfall?
O.S: These web articles: “Pacific Biosciences New gene Sequencing Technology”, “Technology Review safer Gene Therapy”, “Dow Applies New gene Technology on maize...”, Researchers Identify …The Dumpsomes”, and worksheets and handouts involved.
From to Seek Out new Life: pp. 192-194, 198, 207-208.