Yep a full blown bruxism attach finally rared it's ugly head last night. My tongue was so sore at the tip I was up for 31/2 last nght and had to pass on a morning call in assignment (freashman math on a Monday-no way!) and have made up that day I had lost last month. But on the brighter side I scheduled a dental appointment for next week for a check up and to talk about mouth guards. Finally, I am hoping it'll cover the bottom teeth and end the tongue rubbing problem I have. This will keep me working for while longer. I still need a less stressful job. The students have been getting worse and worse each year ever since the redistricting that has given us more non whites and less whites students. Plus kids in genral have been getting worse in behavior just by all the harassing and bulting they do. I am starting my workbook earlier-in fact this past weekend I have been organizing and putting it together and will continue on into Xmas vacation.
Oh ,Friday was able to get the world history run down from a text in the study hall class I was subbing for.
So that's all the news here.
Have a nice night!
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